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Nightingale Centre

A Way to Natural Health

The Five Elements

The following is a very general overview to the unique qualities regarding each element and its correspondences. Each element has its unique functions however is equally dependent on all elements to sustain all life and functioning within our mind, body and spirit. Click an element on the left to read more.


Relates to late summer a time of ripened harvest, it represents energy as descending and grounding. Earth is the ground which we walk; without it instability arises unsettling our balance in life.

All provision of food comes from the earth this nurturing quality of Earth provides an environment from which all things can grow. Such abundance provides sufficient nourishment which feeds all living things.

Within us the expression of Earth can be the quality of nurturing, caring through offering empathy and stable support to others. The organs related to Earth are Spleen and Stomach. It is these officials which ensure the measured distribution and supplement of vital nutrients to all areas of mind, body and spirit.


Is the seasonal transformation of Autumn, the energy at this time is consolidating. Vital minerals within the earth over time are refined into precious metals and stones.

Metal relates to the finest and rarest qualities in all life matter. Organs related to this element are Lung and Large Intestine. The Lung official is the receiver of the pure chi from the heavens and Large Intestine is the great eliminator of waste matter back into the ground.

Within us it’s the ability to make connection in life whilst at the same time have the appropriateness to let go; as leaves fall from the trees back to the ground in Autumn - we must also let aspects of us fall away. This element represents the deep appreciation for the emotion, grief.


Represents the Winter season, the compass direction relates to the North . It is a time where the climate is cold. The energy in this transformation is dormant, deep and still.

However underneath its surface new life is floating in germination and preparation for the spring season. Water has many associations such as purifying, cleansing, clear, flowing, frozen; its power can permeate all cracks and crevices and over time it can break down the most solid matter.

Water in us can be expressed as will, determination and resourcefulness. Organs related to Water are the Kidneys; the powerhouse of filtration and they hold the stores to the blueprint of life. The Bladder official provides the capacity to ensure that all vital fluids and Chi is distributed equally to all cells in the body, mind spirit.


Represents the season of Spring it is a transformation where new life is bursting into bloom. When the seed of life enters its beginning; it seeks to live out its inherent plan with a surge of creative upward movement.

Wood relates to dawn and represents new beginnings, within us the energy can be creative and expressed with a strong presence of enthused energy. It provides hope and purpose in life, flexibility to move with the ability to appropriately make correct judgements and decisions on our journey.


Represents summer at its heightened maturity, the nature of Fire is to move upward and outward. It represents Midday and summer heat. The associated organs related to Fire is the Heart, Small Intestine, Heart Protector/Circulation Sex and Three Heater.

These organs otherwise known as officials have prime responsibility in regulating the elemental functioning of Fire. A balanced presence of fire within us can be expressed as warm, social and expressive and appropriateness.